Frequent Questions
Do you have doubts? We have the answers!
What is the ideal pool water pH?
How much chlorine is in the water?
What are the 5 most important steps for pool maintenance?
Guimágua takes care of your water in 5 essential stages:
1– Maintaining the water balance
Previous stage and indispensable to any treatment. The water balance is measured using two parameters: TAC (Complete Alkalimetric Title) and TH (Hydrometric Rate) re-adjustable in function to the results obtained.
Important: the water balance depends on the TH, TAC and pH.
This important stage is rarely applied and often minimized. However, it’s indispensable since it conditions the good development of the following stages. A low TAC can provoke untimely changes in pH. An ignored or unknown TH can provoke tartar problems.
2– The pH balance
Keeping it between 7,2 and 7,6 a pH well regulated allows:
* Maximum efficiency of the disinfectant product and flocculant
* Well being in water
* The conservation of the material and the revetment
3– Water disinfection
This is a crucial stage. It should permit the fight agains the development of microorganism, responsible for infects and turve water, that are often the origin of the problems founded. To an excellent result the water should always be disinfected. The choice of disinfection solution, as well as the products, is essential.
4– The fight against algae
It’s indispensable to keep the water clean and crystalline.
5– Flocculation
It is used to agglomerate all the particles in suspension in the water. The agglomeration of particles allows the filter to retain them. A simple wash is sufficient to eliminate them. (Attention: only for sand filters.)
How to choose the heating for your pool?
Heating the indoor pools allows you to raise the water temperature and maintains it. In this case, the main parameters in the choice of the type of equipment to install are: the dimensions of the pool, the temperature desired, the climacteric region, the cover, the use period and the frequency of use.
To help you decide the most adequate equipment Guimágua can carry out a thermal study.
There are several types of filtering and water purification. What are the indications and differences?
There are three types of water filtration for pools. Sand filters, diatomite filters and cartridge filters. Diatomite filters are the most efficient.